Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day Three: Shoulders & Arms


This workout seemed so much easier than Plyometrics! I'm guessing since it didn't have as much cardio, I need to buy the dumbbells! This stuff just keeps getting more and more expensive. Keeping up with the diet and purchasing all the equipment!

Ab Ripper X was tough though! I can't off the ground all the way just by a crunch with nothing to hold my feet down yet. I'm sure I will soon thought! I'm still loving the p90x and I'm hoping I'll keep it going and don't give up or not make time for it. Bring it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day Two: Plyometrics

Oh man, I really loved this one! A lot of jumping! Out of everyone I talked to, everyone seems to hate this one the most, but I really liked it. Just movements, no weights or push-ups or pull-ups or even bands. Just moving around, squats, jumping, over & over & over & over & over again!

I drank my first Whey Protein supplement today. It wasn't near as bad as I thought it was going to be! I need to make time to do the workouts during the day time when I have a little more energy. The last 2 nights it's not till around 11pm when I do the workout. Go to bed around 1am and get up at 6am! Only 5 hours of sleep and P90X is saying we need at least 7! Gotta make the time though... just hard when you have 3 little one's that will be wanting to jump all over me and I want to be able to spend time with them when I can and of course my awesome wife, Staci, too! Heading to the shower and bed now!

Day One: Chest & Back and Ab Ripper

Completed & I really like this. I am going to be so sore and already am! The Ab Ripper was really tough! Time for a shower, I stink!

P90X has begun!

My pre-P90X self!

My before measurements:
Body Fat: 29.2
Weight: 215
Chest: 44 1/2
Waist: 42 1/2
Hips: 38
Right Thigh: 22
Left Thigh: 21 1/2
Right Arm: 15 1/2
Left Arm: 15 1/4

Here's also some before pictures... please feel free to look past this if you want to. Not to pleasant to look at it!

Here's the results from my fit test:
Before Day 1
Heart Rate: 74
Pull-Ups: 2 and 1/2
Vertical Leap: 27"
Push-Ups: 23
Toe Touch: +2
Wall Squat: 1:30
Bicep Curls: 45 using heavy bands
In & Outs: 30
Heart Rate Maximizer: (probably not very accurate since I didn't have a heart rate monitor)
Immediately - 112
1 minute later - 106
2 minutes later - 98
3 minutes later - 98
4 minutes later - 98

I'll also be following the diet the best I can. Won't be 100%, but it'll be close!
We'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Preparation! Preparation! Preparation!

Life has become so much busier now that I'm the Interim Pastor at our church. Trying my best to keep everything running good and still keeping the youth going. Before this I was only speaking once a week in our youth service, but now I'm speaking in our Sunday morning service, Wednesday night Bible study, and our youth service on Thursday nights.

It seems like everyday at the church all I'm doing is message preparation, but I love it! At least now, I'm finally putting my time to better use and not wasting so much time doing other things that aren't beneficial. I guess you could call that time management skills. Well enough of this, better get ready for tonight's message!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

an update...

Wow! Life has been going by so fast and with changes! The church where I work at, our Senior Pastor has resigned so for now I'm filling in till a new Senior Pastor is hired. I also started running again since my awesome wife got me a new pair of running shoes! I sure do miss running on the Bay Bridge over the water, but running in the school parking lot isn't too bad... haha!

I also spent my birthday money on getting the P90X so I'm excited about getting started on that soon! Well I better get my message finished up since I'll be preaching at our church in the morning!